Time Commitments for Students
During Marching Band Season (the fall semester), evening practices are typically two times per week. See the Band Director for exact details.
In additions to competitions and concerts, there are a variety of opportunities such as car washes, parades, city events, and concerts. Attendance at competitions and concerts are mandatory. Attendance at fundraising and other opportunities is highly encouraged.
To perform in the marching show and concert festivals, the band member must travel with the band to the event. The students should preferably also return with the band. Marching band members turn in their uniforms at the band room upon return to MHS. After concert festivals, the staff reviews the performance with the band members. If the rare situation arises where a student cannot return with the band, contact the Band Director at least 24 hours in advance for approval.
Sporting and Concert Events
The band plays for football, girls basketball, and boys basketball games. The band plays for all home games, and may go to away games at the Band Director’s discretion.
The Marching Band and Pep Band are expected to play at home football games. Both bands will play stand tunes, and the Marching Band will typically perform their show at halftime.
Parents side in the bleachers on the home (west) side of the field, generally in the section next to the band on the north end.
We ask that you refrain from talking to the band during the football games, as it can causes the band members to lose focus. Band members already know this rule, and we ask you to honor it as well.
Unless you are actively helping the band at the football game and have volunteered in advance, you will need to pay for tickets at the gate.
Typically yes. Most host sites may have a ticket fee.